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ArE you A NETWorkEr?
Find out where you fit in the art world by doing S Mark Gubb’s fun
quiz. The scene is a familiar happening for artists – the exhibition
1. What time do you arrive at the opening?
a) As early as possible so that the bar’s not too crowded
b) Not too long after the doors open but long enough after to go for a
drink in the pub with your friends first.
c) As early as possible in the hope that you get to meet the artist.
d) As early as possible so you can look at the work before it gets busy.
2. When in the gallery, do you:
a) Try and stay within ten feet of the bar to make sure you get as
much free wine as possible?
b) Wander around talking to anyone and everyone there?
c) Ditch your friends and go and hunt down the curator/director to
introduce them to your groundbreaking artwork?
d) Look at and enjoy the artwork on display?
3. At the post opening bash, do you:
a) Carry on drinking like you’ve just won the Turner Prize?
b) Enjoy yourself, taking this informal opportunity to get to know
people better?
c) Find the ‘cool’ table, introduce yourself and sit down?
d) Have a drink and a laugh with your friends?
4. The next morning, do you:
a) Wake up and wonder where you are and what you said and did?
b) Make mental plans to contact the interesting people that you met?
c) Log straight on to the Internet and e-mail everyone whose cards
you gathered?
d) Tell people what a fantastic exhibition you saw and encourage
them to get along to see it?
S Mark Gubb is an artist, writer and lecturer,
Mainly ‘a’s
If you were a car you’d be a classic.
Always there, not overly exciting and
prone to ending up in an immovable
heap somewhere.
Mainly ‘b’s
You’re a networker. You realise that to
get on in life you need to meet people
and that friendships are not exclusive
of professional relationships.
Mainly ‘c’s
You’re a focuser. You know what you
want and you think you know how
to get it. Whilst you may get some
way to reaching your goals, you may
inadvertently annoy too many people
who could help you in the future.
Mainly ‘d’s
You’re a rare breed and should be
nurtured. The art world needs more
people like you.
Be confident. You just have to
get over the embarrassment
of talking about yourself and
really go for it; how else are
people going to find out about
your work?
Adele Prince, artist