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SAATCHI ‘NORTHERN STARS’ at A Foundation Liverpool.UK. 9th April-23rdMay. 2010

BRANTHWAITE, Michael (2010) SAATCHI ‘NORTHERN STARS’ at A Foundation Liverpool.UK. 9th April-23rdMay. 2010. [Show/Exhibition]

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Abstract or description

Two works selected directly by Rebecca Wilson (Director SAATCHI Gallery, previously Art Review, Modern Painters, Weidenfeld & Nicolson )for the exhibition ‘Northern Stars’ hosted by A Foundation Liverpool. Billed as the most exciting artists practicing in the North of England, Eight artists were chosen from the 100,000 registered on Saatchi Online.

Saatchi Gallery: Aims to provide an innovative forum for contemporary art, presenting work by largely unseen young artists or by international artists whose work has been rarely or never exhibited in the UK.

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Artists: Michael Branthwaite, Fiona Curran, Aidan Doherty, Jonathan Legge, Amy Moffat and Ruth Murray.
The works deal with the question of what sculpture is and plays on the tension between constructed and considered forms in parallel with more casual placing and incidents in the resolution of the work. Wider connotationsare explored through an interest in the relationship to enviroment, how this is governed and manipulated by people and how the reminents of modernsim offer solutions to living whilst disavoweling the utopias fostered by the movement. The ideologies of the lived enviroment was a core concern and the happenstance items offered a real-time experince that proposed a notion that modernist tendencys and ideologies are a part of the life that we interact with and not separate visions that could or might have been the future.

Exhibitions: Modernist 3 ( the future that was) was also selected by Phillyda Barlow (Emeritus Professor of Fine Art,The Slade School of Fine Art, Faculty of Arts & Humanities) for inclusion in the Creekside open. A.P.T London in June 2011

Item Type: Show/Exhibition
Faculty: Previous Faculty of Arts and Creative Technologies > Art and Design
Event Title: Saatchi Northern Stars at A Foundation Liverpool
Event Location: A Foundation Liverpool
Event Dates: 9th April-23rdMay. 2010
Depositing User: Michael SAFARIC BRANTHWAITE
Date Deposited: 19 Apr 2013 15:31
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2023 13:37
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