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The Ballad of Des & Mo: A film stemming from research into the 72 hour film methodology

FAIR, James (2011) The Ballad of Des & Mo: A film stemming from research into the 72 hour film methodology. [Video]

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A feature length film shot in 72 hours as part of the 59th Melbourne International Film Festival. The film went on to screen at Galway Film Fleadh (2011), Raindance (2011), IrishFilmFesta (2011), Stoke Your Fires (2011), and the Inspire Film Festival (2012).

The 72 research project concerns the design of a methodology for shooting and editing a feature-length movie in seventy-two hours and then screening it to a local audience. The process has been completed twice, once at the Galway Film Fleadh in 2008, and again in the Melbourne International Film Festival in 2010.
The project is currently being prepared for a third time, in Derry/Londonderry in 2013, as part of the City of Culture celebrations in collaboration with producer Margo Harkin and the actor Stephen Rea.

The value of the 72 project doesn’t lie solely in the finished feature film, but also in the process of making it transparently with involvement from the local filmmaking community. Faced with the colossal task of producing a feature film in three days, it is inconceivable that any one person could complete the task alone. It requires a large team all focused upon one collective achievement, a concept that doesn’t necessarily chime with the solitary language of ‘independent’ or ‘d.i.y. filmmaking’. The resulting effect from the 72 project is a legacy of collaboration, of new creative partnerships being established, and of empowerment that such a feat can be achieved collectively.

Item Type: Video
Faculty: Previous Faculty of Arts and Creative Technologies > Film, Sound and Vision
Depositing User: James FAIR
Date Deposited: 26 Apr 2013 15:53
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2023 13:37
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