TURNER, Martin, MILLER, Anthony, YOUNGS, Hope, Barber, Nia, Brick, Noel, Chadha, Nanaki, Chandler, Charlotte, Coyle, Melissa, Didymus, Faye, Evans, Andrew, Jones, Kelly, McCann, Bryan, Meijen, Carla and Rossato, Claire (2022) “I must do this!”: A latent profile analysis approach to understanding the role of irrational beliefs and motivation regulation in mental and physical health. Journal of Sports Sciences, 40 (8). ISSN 0264-0414
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SLATER, Matthew, Coffee, Pete, BARKER, Jamie and Evans, Andrew (2014) Promoting shared meanings in group memberships: a social identity approach to leadership in sport. Reflective Practice. ISSN 1462-3943