BOEHM, Carola, Lilja-Viherlampi, L, Linnossuo, O, McLaughlin, H, Gomez, E, Mercado, E, Martinez, O, Kiveläand, S and Gibson, J (2016) Contexts and Approaches to Multiprofessional Working in Arts and Social Care. Journal of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS Journal). ISSN 1799-6848
BURTON, Amy, Shaw, R and Gibson, J (2016) How do older people with sight loss manage their general health? A Qualitative Study. Disability and Rehabilitation, 38 (23). pp. 2277-2285. ISSN 0963-8288
BOEHM, Carola, Linden, J, Gibson, J, Carver, G, Clennon, O and Mackenzie, N (2014) Community, Identity and Locality: Sustainability & impact of university-housed, small-scale arts centres. A panel discussion. European League of Institutes of Arts (ELIA)Glasgow.