Payne, Chris and DALGLEISH, Mathew (2024) TYG: A Multiplayer Instrument-Environment in UE 5. In: CHIME Annual One-day Music and HCI Conference 2024, 1-2 December 2024, The Open University, Milton Keynes.
DALGLEISH, Mathew, Payne, Chris and HEADLEAND, Christopher (2024) TYG: Collaborative Music Creation in an Unreal Engine-Based Local Multiplayer Instrument. In: Proceedings of NoiseFloor 2024. NoiseFloor UK. (In Press)
Payne, Chris, DALGLEISH, Mathew and HEADLEAND, Christopher (2024) Tyg: A Single-Screen Environment for “Couch Co-Op” Multiplayer Music-Making. In: Noisefloor 2024, 27th-28th May 2024, Escola Superior de Música de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal..
DALGLEISH, Mat and Payne, Chris (2024) In-between instrument and immediacy: Guitar Hero and the instrument-inspired. In: In-Betweenness of Play (British DIGRA), 11-13th April 2024, Staffordshire University London Digital Institute Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Here East, London E20 3BS. (Unpublished)