SKINGSLEY, Dave (2016) Field notes from in and around Millport FSC Isle of Cumbrae, in Spring. FIELD STUDIES.
SKINGSLEY, Dave (2015) Das Magazin fur neugierige Ausgabe. Das Magazin fur neugierige Ausgabe.
SKINGSLEY, Dave, MERRY, Stephen, MITCHELL, Paul and ORSMOND, Paul (2015) Biology students' learning from video exemplars of practical techniques: some lessons for teaching strategies. Innovative Practice in Higher Education, 2 (2). ISSN 2044-3315
SKINGSLEY, Dave, White, A.J. and Weston, A. (2000) ANALYSIS OF PULMONATE MUCUS BY INFRARED SPECTROSCOPY. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 66 (3). pp. 363-371. ISSN 0260-1230
SKINGSLEY, Dave and Fryer, Rachel (2016) The relationship between silver birch (Betula pendula) bark structure and evidence of use by the Welsh Clearwing moth (Synanthedon scoliaformis). In: RES ENTO, 5-8th September 2016, Harper Adams University.
SKINGSLEY, Dave and Priestman (2016) An introduction to the ASIST (Advisory and Specimen Identification Service Team). In: Tri-services Environmental health Conference,, March 1-3rd 2017, HMS Collingwood Portsmouth (1-3rd March. (Unpublished)