FAIRBURN, Jon, FAIR, James and Beasley, Tim (2013) Film in Staffordshire - special report. Other. Staffordshire University.
FAIRBURN, Jon, WILLIAMS, Paul and JACKSON, Ian (2013) Ceramics special report. Other. Faculty of Business, Education and Law, Stoke on Trent.
MACLEOD, Calum and BY, Rune (2007) Performance, Conformance and Change: Towards a Sustainable Tourism Strategy for Scotland. Sustainable Development, 15 (6). pp. 329-342.
MERRITT, Charnelle (2014) An implementation and evaluation of Totally Locally Burslem. Other thesis, Staffordshire University.
Robinson, Peter, Oriade, Ade, SOUTHALL, Carol and DIMOS, Chris (2013) An Evaluation of the economic impact of Lichfield Cathedral upon the local economy of the City of Lichfield. Project Report. University of Wolverhampton.