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Analysing patterns of coordination and patterns of control using novel data visualisation techniques in vector coding

NEEDHAM, Robert, Naemi, Roozbeh, Hamill, Joseph and CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan (2020) Analysing patterns of coordination and patterns of control using novel data visualisation techniques in vector coding. The Foot. p. 101678. ISSN 09582592

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Abstract or description

Objective:Vector coding is anon-linear data analysis technique that quantifiesinter-segmental coordination and coordination variability. The traditional approach of reporting time-series data from vector coding can be problematic when overlaying multiple trials on the same illustration. Theobjective of this study was todescribe and present novel data visualisations for displaying the coordination Journal Pre-proof
2pattern, segmental dominancy, range of motionon an angle-angle diagram,and coordination variability. This allows for a comparison of data across multiple participants with a focus on single subject analysis. Methods: Novel data visualisation techniques that involve the use of colour and data bars to map and profile coordination pattern and coordination variability data. The introduction and profiling of inter-data point range of motion quantifies range of motion of the dominant segment on an angle-angle plotand illustrates patterns of movement control. As an example, the dataset used the Istituto Ortopedico Rizzoli foot model to describe rearfoot-forefootand shank-foot coordination during stance.Results:The use of colour mapping provides the optionto inspect an entire dataset and to compare data across multiple participants, groups, and segment couplings. Combining coupling angle mapping withsegmental dominancy profiling offers an intuitive and instant summary on coupling angle distribution. The novel inclusion of inter-data point range of motion profiling providesmeaning to the interpretation of segmental dominancy dataand demonstratesdistinctpatternsof movement control. Conclusions:The use of colour mappingandprofiling techniqueshighlighted differences in coordinationpattern and coordination variability data across severalparticipantsthat questions the interpretation and relevance of reporting group data. Colour mapping and profiling techniques are ideal reporting methods to compliment prospective multiple single-subject design studies and to classify commonalities and differences in patterns of coordination and patterns of controlbetween individualsor trials. Thedata visualisation approaches in the current studymay providefurther insight on overuse injuries, exercise prescription and rehabilitation interventions.

Item Type: Article
Faculty: School of Life Sciences and Education > Sport and Exercise
Depositing User: Nachiappan CHOCKALINGAM
Date Deposited: 06 Apr 2020 14:43
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2023 03:49

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