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Servicescape in transnational higher education: the effects of campus design, physical environment and facilities on student experience and satisfaction

Wilkins, Stephen, HAZZAM, Joe and Ireland, John (2022) Servicescape in transnational higher education: the effects of campus design, physical environment and facilities on student experience and satisfaction. Journal of Marketing for Higher Education. ISSN 0884-1241

JMHE Servicescape R2 accepted 16.10.22.pdf - AUTHOR'S ACCEPTED Version (default)
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Abstract or description

Previous research suggests that campus design and facilities may influence students’ institution choice, perceived teaching and learning quality, student experience, and student satisfaction. However, to our knowledge, this is the first study to investigate – from the student perspective – the possible benefits of a new purpose-built campus in a transnational education setting. It was found that campus design, physical environment, and facilities may influence students’ choice of institution, but these have less weight than other factors such as the university’s reputation and teaching quality. Most students believe that opportunities for higher quality teaching and learning exist at the new campus, as all participants reported that the new teaching rooms have improved layouts and incorporate more technology. Also, most students perceive their overall student experience at the new campus as good or excellent, and every participant rated their overall satisfaction as the same or higher at the new campus compared to the old campus. No student was less satisfied with the new campus. The research findings suggest that institutions and students may both derive considerable benefits from a new purpose-built campus that has been well-designed and constructed.

Item Type: Article
Additional Information: This is an Accepted manuscript of an article published by Taylor & Francis in Journal of Marketing for Higher Education on 02/11/22, available at:
Uncontrolled Keywords: Servicescape; international branch campuses; physical environment; university facilities; teaching and learning; student satisfaction
Faculty: Staffordshire Business School > Business and Marketing
Depositing User: Joe HAZZAM
Date Deposited: 07 Nov 2022 12:00
Last Modified: 02 May 2024 01:38

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