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The Science Fiction of Iain M. Banks

Hubble, Nick, MACCALLUM-STEWART, Esther and Norman, Joseph, eds. (2018) The Science Fiction of Iain M. Banks. SF Storyworlds: Critical Studies in Science Fiction . Gylphi. ISBN 978178024054

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Critics have paid less attention to Banks’s SF than his ‘mainstream’ work although a substantial body of scholarship on the Culture series has developed since at least 1996, significantly increasing in volume since around the time of Banks’s death in 2013. Banks’s non-Culture SF such as The Algebraist, Feersum Endjinn and Against a Dark Background has received the least attention of his oeuvre to date. This study provides a comprehensive overview of the author's science fiction, determining unique areas of connection.

Item Type: Book / Proceeding
Faculty: School of Computing and Digital Technologies > Games and Visual Effects
Depositing User: Esther MACCALLUM-STEWART
Date Deposited: 07 Dec 2020 10:48
Last Modified: 24 Feb 2023 14:00

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