Wright, Phil and FORRESTER, Gillian (2024) “It starts with me!” Teachers’ shifting perspectives on developing their practice away from fixed ability grouping. Teaching and Teacher Education, 154. p. 104870. ISSN 0742-051X
Hetherington, Janet and FORRESTER, Gillian (2024) Illusionary, silencing and civilising - (un)democratic practices in school governance. Journal of Education Policy. ISSN 0268-0939
Hetherington, Janet E and FORRESTER, Gillian (2023) Brand Advantage, Risk Mitigation, and the Illusion of Democracy: Approaches to School Governance. Educational Management Administration & Leadership. ISSN 1741-1440
FORRESTER, Gillian, HUDSON, Ruth, ROWLEY, Jane and PUGH, Jim (2022) Mind the aspiration gap: how primary school pupils perceive their future adult selves and the perspectives and expectations of parents and teachers. Educational Review. ISSN 0013-1911
FORRESTER, Gillian (2022) Book Review: Educating Tomorrow. Learning for the Post-Pandemic World. Educational Review. ISSN 0013-1911
HETHERINGTON, Janet E and FORRESTER, Gillian (2021) Values-led governance and parental and community engagement in the Co-operative Academies Trust: an alternative in the neoliberal context of education? Management in Education, 36 (1). ISSN 1741-9883
FORRESTER, Gillian, BASFORD, Jo, HUDSON, Ruth and PUGH, Jim (2021) Living and learning through lockdown: a fictionalisation of the challenges and opportunities of homeschooling during a global pandemic. Education 3-13. ISSN 0300-4279
FORRESTER, Gillian, PUGH, Jim, HUDSON, Ruth and ROWLEY, Jane (2021) Understanding the World in the Early Years Foundation Stage: practitioners’ perspectives of best practice and effective provision. Education 3-13. International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, 50 (8). ISSN 14757575
FORRESTER, Gillian, KURTH, Judith, VINCENT, Penny and OLIVER, Mike (2018) Schools as community assets: An exploration of the merits of an Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) approach. Educational Review. ISSN 1465-3397
Hennessy, Claire and FORRESTER, Gillian (2014) Developing a framework for effective audio feedback: a case study. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 39 (7). pp. 777-789. ISSN 0260-2938
FORRESTER, Gillian (2011) Performance management in education: milestone or millstone? Management in Education, 25 (1). pp. 5-9. ISSN 0892-0206
FORRESTER, Gillian (2022) What do you know? Knowledge Production in Educational Leadership. In: Critical education policy and leadership studies: Essays in honour of the intellectual legacy of Helen M Gunter. Springer. (In Press)
Bush, M and FORRESTER, Gillian (2019) Women’s leadership development and preparation for leadership in the girls’ secondary independent sector in England. In: Leading in Change: Implications of School Diversification Pathways for School Leadership Preparation in England and the United States. Information Age Publishing (IAP), Charlotte, North Carolina.
FORRESTER, Gillian, HUDSON-GILL, Ruth and PUGH, Jim (2019) “Understanding the World”: a pilot study of effective practice and provision in early years settings. In: International Insights: Equality in Education. Waxman Publishing Co, Münster, pp. 85-98. ISBN 978-3-8309-4022-7
ROWLEY, Jane, FORRESTER, Gillian, ADEFILA, Arinola, PUGH, Jim, BASFORD, Jo and HUDSON, Ruth (2022) Evaluation of the Sector Hub Action Research Project. Funded by the Community Renewal Fund Promoting care as a career – a pilot project devised and led by Acacia Training in Stoke on Trent. Research report for external body. Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent. (Submitted)
FORRESTER, Gillian, ROWLEY, Jane, PUGH, Jim and HUDSON, Ruth (2020) An investigation into the aspirations and perceptions of future selves of young learners in Staffordshire. Research report for external body. N/A.
PUGH, Jim, FORRESTER, Gillian, HUDSON-GILL, Ruth and ROWLEY, Jane (2018) Stoke-on-Trent Opportunity Area Programme Improving Outcomes for Early Years ‘Understanding the World – Area of Learning’. Research report for external body. Stoke on Trent Opportunities Area.
FORRESTER, Gillian and GARRATT, Dean (2016) Education Policy Unravelled (Second edition). Bloomsbury, London.