CRISP, Elizabeth and CUST, Fiona (2025) ‘The Schwartz Round was a rewarding experience for all of the team involved’. Nursing Times. ISSN 0954-7762
BURTON, Amy, OWEN, Alison, TAYLOR, Jennifer, LINDSAY-WILES, Isobel, HEYES, Jo, CUST, Fiona and PAGE, Sarah (2024) Stakeholder perspectives on research, policy and practice priorities to increase human milk feeding rates in the United Kingdom. Journal of Human Lactation. ISSN 1552-5732
CUST, Fiona (2024) ‘What are healthcare providers actually doing to look after their workforce?’. Nursing Times. ISSN 0954-7762
BURTON, Amy, TAYLOR, Jennifer, SWAIN, Sophie, HEYES, Jo, CUST, Fiona and DEAN, Sarah (2022) A qualitative exploration of mixed feeding intentions in first-time mothers. British Journal of Midwifery. ISSN 0969-4900
COMBES, Helen A, PRIEST, Helena and CUST, Fiona (2020) Interprofessional Education in a Child Mental Healthcare Context: Children's Nursing and Clinical Psychology Students Learning Together. The Journal of Mental Health Training, Education and Practice. ISSN 1755-6228
CUST, Fiona and GUEST, Keeley (2020) Student Nurses values of peer assessment and debriefing within a simulation exercise. Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning., 17 (1). ISSN 1746-6113
CUST, Fiona and GUEST, Keeley (2019) Peer support for undergraduate children's nursing students. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 10 (4). ISSN 1925-4059
BOATH, Elizabeth, CUST, Fiona and CARTER, Ruth (2019) Effectiveness of a peer support intervention for Antenatal Depression: A feasibility study. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. ISSN 0264-6838
CUST, Fiona, BOATH, Elizabeth and CARTER, Ruth (2019) Effectiveness of a peer support intervention for mothers with antenatal depression - a feasibility study. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology.. ISSN 1469-672X
CUST, Fiona (2019) ‘There is a significant relationship between resilience and wellbeing in nursing students’. Nursing Times. ISSN 0954-7762
CUST, Fiona, ALDERSON, Louisa and CARTWRIGHT, Christine (2019) Evaluating a conference based approach to interprofessional education. The Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning., 16 (2). ISSN 1759-5150
CUST, Fiona and CARTER, Ruth (2018) Midwives’ views on recruiting to a randomised controlled trial exploring peer support for women with low mood antenatally. Midwifery Digest, Dec. ISSN 0961-5555 (In Press)
CUST, Fiona (2018) Increasing the confidence of first year student nurses with peer mentoring. Nursing Times. ISSN 0954-7762
CUST, Fiona and CARTER, Ruth (2018) Peer Support for Women with Antenatal Depression. International Journal of Nursing and Clinical Practice, 5 (1). ISSN 2394-4978
CUST, Fiona and CARTER, Ruth (2018) Reflections upon a randomised controlled trial and carrying out an intervention in partnership with an NHS hospital. Midirs Journal, 28 (1). pp. 16-19.
CUST, Fiona and CARTER, Ruth (2018) Reflections upon a randomised controlled trial and carrying out an intervention in partnership with an NHS hospital. M.I.D.I.R.S. Midwifery Digest. ISSN 0961-5555 (In Press)
CARTER, Ruth, CUST, Fiona and BOATH, Elizabeth (2017) Peer support workers’ experiences of supporting women with postnatal depression: a constant comparative exploration. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology. pp. 1-9. ISSN 1469-672X
CUST, Fiona (2017) Identifying perinatal depression and anxiety: evidence based practice in screening, psychosocial assessment and management (Book Review). Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology, 35 (3). pp. 318-319. ISSN 0264-6838
CUST, Fiona (2017) Clickers - Integrating technology into teaching and learning with interactive tools. Innovative Practice in Higher Education, 3 (1). ISSN 2044-3315
CUST, Fiona (2016) Peer Support for Mothers with Postnatal Depression. Journal of New Writing in Health and Social Care, 2 (2). pp. 21-31. ISSN 2057-2913
CUST, Fiona (2016) Peer support for mothers with postnatal depression: A pilot study. Community Practitioner, 89 (1). pp. 38-41. ISSN 1462-2815
CUST, Fiona (2015) Nottingham University Society of Reproductive and Infant Psychology (SRIP) Paper Series – Peer Support for Mothers with Postnatal Depression. Nottingham University Society of Reproductive and Infant Psychology (SRIP) Paper Series.
CUST, Fiona (2015) Peer Support for Mothers with Postnatal Depression. In: ATINER'S Conference Paper Series PUH2015. Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens. ISBN 2241-2891
CUST, Fiona (2018) Children and Mental Health. In: Children and Mental Health, 19th August 2018., Stoke Campus, Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)
CUST, Fiona, BOATH, Elizabeth and CARTER, Ruth (2018) Antenatal Depression and STAND. In: Teaching and Learning Conference: Co-creation, Staffordshire University, 2018, 28th June 2018, Stoke-on-Tret, UK. (Unpublished)
CUST, Fiona (2018) Children's Undergraduate Nursing Student's Conference. In: Children's Undergraduate Nursing Student's Conference., 10th June 2018., Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)
CUST, Fiona and CARTER, Ruth (2018) Peer Support for Mothers with Antenatal Depression - A Randomised Controlled Trial. In: Advanced Nursing Research Conference, 10-13th June 2018., Dublin, Ireland.. (Unpublished)
CUST, Fiona (2018) Safeguarding and Child Protection - An insight into Forensics. In: Safeguarding and Child Protection - An insight into Forensics., 15th February 2018., Stoke Campus, Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)
CUST, Fiona, BOATH, Elizabeth and CARTER, Ruth (2017) Peer Support for Mothers with Antenatal Depression. In: Reproductive and Infant Psychology Annual Conference., 14-16th September 2017., Leeds. (Unpublished)
CUST, Fiona (2017) Safeguarding and Working Together, protecting children and young adults. In: Safeguarding and Working Together, protecting children and young adults., 3rd September 2017., Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)
CUST, Fiona, BOATH, Elizabeth and CARTER, Ruth (2017) Peer Support for Mothers with Antenatal Depression. In: Teaching and Learning Conference, June 2017, Stoke Campus, Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)
CUST, Fiona (2016) Perinatal Mental Health. In: Teaching and Learning Conference, September 2016., Stoke Campus, Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)
CUST, Fiona (2016) Perinatal Mental Health - A mixed methods approach. In: Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology Annual Conference, 12th September 2016., York. (Unpublished)
CUST, Fiona (2016) Interprofessional Working. In: Interprofessional Working, February 5th 2016, Stoke Campus, Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)
CUST, Fiona (2015) Peer Support for Mothers with Postnatal Depression (PND). In: Perinatal Mental Health Conference., 25th September 2015., Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)
CUST, Fiona, BOATH, Elizabeth and CARTER, Ruth (2015) The Training and Recruitment of Peer Support Workers - their own perceptions. In: Society for Reproductive and Infant Psychology Annual Conference., 9-10th September 2015, Nottingham University. (Unpublished)
CUST, Fiona (2015) Safeguarding and Protecting Children-Working Together. In: Safeguarding and Protecting Children - Working Together., 10th August 2015, Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)
CUST, Fiona (2015) Peer Support for Mother's with Postnatal Depression - a pilot study. In: Nursing Research, April 8th -11th 2015, Athens, Greece.
CUST, Fiona (2015) Perinatal Mental Health - Where are we now? In: Perinatal Mental Health, 1st-2nd April 2015., Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)
CUST, Fiona (2014) The journey through a Professional Doctorate. In: The Journey through a Professional Doctorate., 10-12th Sept 2014., Nottingham University. (Unpublished)
CUST, Fiona (2014) Perinatal Mental Health and its Challenges. In: Perinatal Mental Health and its Challenges, 1 - 2nd September 2014., School of Health and Social Care, Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)
CUST, Fiona (2021) Covid-19 will forever shift the educational landscape within healthcare [blog]. The Nursing Times, The Nursing Times.
CUST, Fiona (2019) A Patient Perspective - a view from the other side... [Blog]. EMAP. (In Press)
CUST, Fiona (2019) The Value of Interprofessional education [Blog]. EMAP.
CUST, Fiona (2018) Listening to student feedback. [blog]. The Nursing Times, The Nursing Times.