Farnsworth, Michael, BENKHELIFA, Elhadj, Tiwari, Ashutosh and Zhu, Meiling (2010) A Novel Approach to Multi-level Evolutionary Design Optimization of a MEMS Device. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6274. pp. 322-334. ISSN 0302-9743
MCDONALD, Angus (2010) Eden/Shangri-la. In: Law and Evil: Philosophy, Politics, Psychoanalysis. Routledge Glass House, Abingdon, pp. 15-30. ISBN 978-0-415-49791-6
MCDONALD, Angus (2010) The Law: Like God, Like Sex. Contemporary Issues in Law, 10 (4). pp. 293-312. ISSN 1357-0374
MCDONALD, Angus (2010) Power of Dream/Dream of Power. In: Mies Vaarasta Tiedekunnasta. Loki-Kirjat, Helsinki, pp. 97-109. ISBN 9789518250787
MCDONALD, Angus (2010) The Sound of The Fall, the Truth of this Movement of Error’: A True Companion, an A mbivalent Friendship, an Ethic of Truths. In: Mark E Smith and The Fall: Art, Music and Politics. Ashgate, Farnham, pp. 147-156. ISBN 978-0-7546-6867-1
PUTTICK, Keith (2010) Can She Stay, or Must She Go…? Spouses’ and Family Members’ Retained and ‘Derived’ Residence Rights after Ibrahim and Teixeira. In: Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, September 2010, Southampton University. (Unpublished)
PUTTICK, Keith (2010) Europe’s New Europeans: Family Migration, Reception & Integration after Lisbon. In: After Lisbon: The Future of European Law & Policy, Birmingham Law School, Birmingham University. (Unpublished)
PUTTICK, Keith (2010) The Impact of EU Law and Policy on Third Country Nationals and Families Residing and Working in EU Member States. In: In/Equality of Third Country Nationals: Implementation and Effects of EU Directives on Migration and Asylum, 28-30 June 2010, Oxford, Headington Hall.
PUTTICK, Keith and POPE, Alison (2010) Enquiring Minds: Infiltrating the Curriculum and Challenging the Assessment Agenda. In: Research Informed Teaching, National Conference, Staffordshire University, July 2010, Ashley Conference Centre, Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)
PUTTICK, Keith, POPE, Alison and WALTON, Geoffrey (2010) The Enquiring Minds Project at Staffordshire University: Integrating Information Literacy into the Curriculum and Assessment. Legal Information Management, 10 (2). pp. 104-108. ISSN 1472-6696
TAPP, David (2010) In light of the current economic climate and the implementation of the Legal Services Act2007, those entering the legal profession are facing a decrease in the availibility of Training Contracts. Will this significantly impact upon the number of Students who are prepared to embark on the journey to become a Solicitor or will the training framework review work based learning pilot ptovide the solution to the future problems facing the legal profession? Masters thesis, Staffordshire University.