TREADWELL, James (2024) The Prison Firm: The ‘Transportation’ of Organised Crime, the Evolution of Criminal Markets and Contemporary Prisoner Society. Criminology and Criminal Justice. ISSN 1748-8958
Soundararajan, Manikandan, T, Siva, Rameshkannan, R, Ajith, V B and TREADWELL, James (2024) Behind the Scenes of Migrant Smuggling: Qualitative Insights from Indian Smugglers. British Society of Criminology Online Journal, 22. ISSN 17590043
SOUNDARARAJAN, Manikandan, Jaishankar, K, BUSHELL, Mark, TELFORD, Luke and TREADWELL, James (2023) The Victimisation of Rohingyas in Myanmar and Bangladesh: Breaking the Silence – Postcolonial Criminology, Ethnography and Genocide. The British Journal of Criminology. ISSN 1464-3529
AYRES, Tammy and TREADWELL, James (2023) Entrepreneurs: Just taking care of business, the drug business. In: Understanding Drug dealing and Illicit Drug Markets. Routledge. ISBN 9781138541825
TREADWELL, James and Kelly, Craig (2023) Violence, grime, gangs and drugs on the south side of Birmingham. In: Understanding Drug dealing and Illicit Drug Markets. Routledge. ISBN 9781138541825
LAMB, John (2023) The 9/11 memorial and museum: New York, New York, USA: Crime and Contemporary Tourism. In: 50 Dark Destinations. Policy Press, pp. 104-106. ISBN 9781447362210
TREADWELL, James and Gooch, Kate (2022) The ‘Screw Boys’ and the ‘Businessmen’: Re-Negotiating Penal Power, Governance and Legitimate Authority Through a Prison Violence Reduction Scheme. The British Journal of Criminology: An International Review of Crime and Society (BJC). ISSN 0007-0955
Hodgkinson, Owen, TREADWELL, James and TELFORD, Luke (2021) A Critical Assessment of the Black Lives Matter Movement in Britain. Journal of Contemporary Crime, Harm, and Ethics, 1 (1). pp. 88-107. ISSN 2752-3799
Gooch, Kate and TREADWELL, James (2020) Prisoner Society in an Era of Psychoactive Substances, Organised Crime, New Drug Markets and Austerity. The British Journal of Criminology. ISSN 1464-3529
TREADWELL, James (2019) The Prison Firm: Conceptualising and Researching English Manifestations of Prison Organised Crime. In: Justice Reimagined: The intersection between Academia, Government, Industry and the Community (2019), 10-13 December 2019, Perth, Western Australia. (Unpublished)
TURNER, Jo (2019) Did you know that the RSPCA was set up sixty years earlier than the NSPCC?’. In: 50 Facts Everyone Should Know about Crime and Punishment. policy press, Bristol. ISBN 978-1447343813
TEMPLE-MALT, Emma (2019) Did you realise homosexual male (gay) relationships were only legalised 50 years ago? In: 50 Facts everyone should know about Crime and Punishment in Britain, The Truth behind the Myths. Policy Press, Bristol. (In Press)
TREADWELL, James and Gooch, Kate (2019) The Illicit Economy and Recovery – What we need to understand. Prison Service Journal. ISSN 0300-3558
TREADWELL, James and Gooch, Kate (2019) Crime in Prison: Where now and Where Next? Research report for external body. Office for the Police and Crime Commissioner, Staffordshire.
TREADWELL, James, ANCRUM, Craig and Kelly, Craig (2018) Taxing Times: Inter-criminal victimisation and drug robbery amongst the English professional criminal milieu. Deviant Behavior. ISSN 0163-9625
TREADWELL, James (2018) Doing Ultra Realist Ethnography: Romantacism and Running with the Riotous (While Buying Your Round). In: Doing Ethnography in Criminology. Springer International, USA, pp. 289-301. ISBN ebook 978-3-319-96316-7 hardback 978-3-319-96316-7
Ancrum, Craig and TREADWELL, James (2017) Beyond ghosts, gangs and good sorts: Commercial cannabis cultivation and illicit enterprise in England’s disadvantaged inner cities. Crime, Media, Culture: An International Journal, 13 (1). pp. 69-84. ISSN 1741-6590
Winlow, Simon, Hall, Steve and TREADWELL, James (2017) The Rise of the Right: English Nationalism and the Transformation of Working-Class Politics. Bristol University Press. ISBN 978-1447328483
Winlow, Simon, Hall, Steve, TREADWELL, James and Briggs, Daniel (2015) Riots and Political Protest. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0415730822