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Number of items: 46.

NOROOZI FAKHABI, Amin (2023) Development of Artificial Intelligence-based Model to Predict Esports Players’ Skill Levels. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

KIMBERLEY, Matthew (2023) The Influence of Relationship and Fantasy Characteristics on Sexual Fantasy Disclosure Likelihood. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Bormpotsis, Christos (2023) Predicting Forex Currency Fluctuations Using a Novel Bio-inspired Modular Neural Network. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

SCHRADER, Tanya (2023) The dark side of conspiracy theories: Exploring the influence of conspiracy beliefs on violence responses and jury decision-making. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Hastings, Jeremy (2023) Beyond the Picturesque, the Manifestation of Landscape Change via the Embodied Experience. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

BILLAH, Masum (2023) Energy-efficient early emergency detection for healthcare monitoring on WBAN platform. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

NEEDHAM, Megan (2023) Collaborative Practise Between United Kingdom Fingeprint Bureuaux and Academia to Establish Effective Documentation Strategies for Fingerprint Examinations. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Knowles, Michael (2023) The Producer and ‘Running Naked’: A production practice for micro-budget regional filmmaking combining professional and non-professional working within a higher education setting. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Reilly, Ian (2023) The key concepts in intra-articular corticosteroid injection therapy for pathology of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

HILL, Matthew (2023) Children’s Off-the-Shelf Stability Therapeutic Footwear: a mixed method analysis to define their design and purpose. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Peat, Sara Elizabeth (2023) Exploring the lived experience of adenomyosis and reviewing experiences of endometriosis during COVID-19. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Wright, Phliip (2023) Teachers’ perspectives on how collaborative engagement with pedagogic principles to challenge fixed-ability grouping allowed them to re-consider and reframe their practice in English primary schools. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

NIKIYAN, Ashkan (2023) Utilisation of Green Solvents in Organic Photovoltaic Devices for Large-Scale Fabrication Process. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

TALAM, Ema (2023) Contributions to Investigating the Innovation-productivity-exporting Nexus: (I) the Direction and Strength of the Relationships; and (Ii) the Use of Tax Credits to Promote Research and Development. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Jenzen-Jones, Nicholas Royce (2023) Defining & Classifying SALW: Standardising the language of small arms and light weapons in the international context. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

ABBOTT, Mia (2023) An investigation into the application of a continuous screening, confirmation, and feedback cycle for the identification of synthetic cannabinoids in prisons. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Piper, Charlie (2023) Experience, Recovery and Positive Changes in Psychosis. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

WOOD, Joanne (2023) Leading Us To Well-being: Applying Identity Leadership To Structured Group Exercise Contexts. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Matthews, Adam (2023) “Now I know he's let me in…"Teaching Assistants’ Experiences of supporting Looked After Children: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Chapman, Katrina (2023) Psychological Flexibility, Coping, and Attachment Style in Predicting Secondary Traumatic Stress and Burnout In Forensic Inpatient Staff. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Richmond, Sam (2023) A Synthesis of Factors Affecting Post-Military Reintegration in Relation to Help-Seeking and Social Support. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Hennoun, Hanane (2023) An Exploration of Algerian ESAP Teachers’ Practices and Students’ Voices in Relation to Curriculum Design and Needs Analysis. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

EWENIKE, Stanley (2023) An Activity Theory-based Architecture To Enhance Context-aware Collaboration In Software Development In The Cloud. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Pennington, Rachel (2023) Figuring out fatherhood. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Burton-Fisher, Will (2023) Holding the Hope? Therapist and Client Perspectives on Long Covid Recovery: A Q-Methodology. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Ezerioha, Adaku (2023) Muslim women in Britain: The impact of segregation on unregistered Muslim marriages, effects, problems and recommendations. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Rothwell, Lynne (2023) Patients’ perceptions of safety whilst in the acute phase of hospitalisation following a spinal cord injury. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Rowland, James (2023) Psychological Factors associated with Somatisation and Seizure Frequency in Seizure Conditions: Comparing Intolerance of Uncertainty, Anxiety Sensitivity, Anxiety, and Depression between People with Epilepsy and Dissociative Seizures. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Steiner, Anja (2023) The Relationship between Shame and Guilt Proneness, Moral Injury, Professional Role, Self-compassion and Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Critical Care Healthcare Professionals During Covid-19. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Keenan, Alice (2023) A Review of Factors Associated with Placement Breakdown in Foster Care and an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Foster Carers Lived Experience of Blocked Care. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Cucciniello, Charlotte (2023) Supporting Families at Risk: Social Workers Experiences of a Family Safeguarding Model and the Effectiveness of Parent Infant Psychotherapy. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Mehmet, Elizabeth (2023) Understanding the experiences of family carers of individuals with Huntington’s Disease. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Fisher, Kimberley (2023) Well-being in UK Clinical Psychology Doctoral Trainees: A Grounded Theory of Professional Experiences and Well-Being Meaning-making. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Grumley Traynor, Imogen (2023) Why do police officers (not) seek help? Correlates and predictors of attitudes towards psychological help-seeking in the police. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Burton, Holly (2023) “i’m Just Kind of Talking to My Screen and It Responds Back”: A Thematic Analysis Exploring the Experiences of Adults With an Intellectual Disability Who Received a Virtual Cognitive Behavioural Therapy-based Intervention During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Watkin, Felicity (2023) The role of Psychological Formulation in inpatient settings in supporting staff Empathy and Therapeutic Optimism for adults diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder: A pre-and-post vignette study. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Kwok, Ross (2023) Evaluating The Viability Of Obtaining Dna Profiles From Dna Encapsulated Within The Layers Of Counterfeit Banknotes. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

HARTLESS, Sophie (2023) A Critical Evaluation of Touch DNA Recovery Methods for Forensic Purposes. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Nicklin, Daniel (2023) Investigation Into The Measurement Of Particulate Emissions From Stationary Sources. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

SRISKANTHARAJAH, Thulashija (2023) Pilot Study: The analysis of known physical mixtures mimicking heroin samples using X Ray Powder Diffraction for the purposeof qualitative and quantitative analysis. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Bacho, Mohamad (2023) An Evaluation of the Extent to Which Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) affects the Loyalty of Employees: The Case of AVERDA Company at King Abdullah University for Science and Technology (KAUST) in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Rubin, Leon (2023) Exploring new ways of creating Shakespeare performance for the 21st century, with reference to cultural opportunities and challenges in a globally interconnected world and application and adaptation of verse theory in practice. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Trust, Diya (2023) An Investigation Into the Most Effective Approaches for Teaching Non-technical Skills to Medical Students at the Undergraduate Level: an Exploration of the Role of Simulation-based Education. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

CHUKWUMA, Franklin (2023) Modelling Irrational Agent Beliefs In Online Social Networks. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Isskandarani, Layal (2023) Factors Affecting The Responsiveness Of Lebanese Private Universities To Internationalisation. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

Tennant, Kathryn (2023) Holistic Recognition: The Path To Satisfaction An Interpretive Descriptive Study Of Student Nurses’ Experiences Of The Clinical Learning Environment. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 3 18:58:10 2025 UTC.