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MCDONALD, Angus (2010) The Law: Like God, Like Sex. Contemporary Issues in Law, 10 (4). pp. 293-312. ISSN 1357-0374

MCDONALD, Angus (2012) Nocturnal Games in the Streets. Law and Critique, 23 (3). pp. 185-197. ISSN 0957-8536

MCDONALD, Angus (2012) "To Destroy the Idea of Divinity" Anarchism as Practical Programme and as Utopia. Griffith Law Review, 21 (2). pp. 349-368. ISSN 1038-3441

PUTTICK, Keith (1999) 2020: A Welfare Odyssey - A Commentary on Principles into Practice and the Reform Programme. Industrial Law Journal, 28 (2). pp. 190-196.

PUTTICK, Keith (2012) 21st Century Welfare and Universal Credit: Reconstructing the Wage-Work-Welfare Bargain. Industrial Law Journal, 41 (2). pp. 236-249. ISSN 0305-9332

PUTTICK, Keith (2012) 21st Century Welfare and the Wage-Work-Welfare Bargain. Industrial Law Journal, 41 (1). pp. 122-131. ISSN 0305-9332

PUTTICK, Keith (2007) Ancillary Relief: Contesting District Judges' Orders and Achieving a Clean Break in Complex Cases after Smith v Smith. WElfare and Family Law & Practice, 14 (3). pp. 49-54.

PUTTICK, Keith (2004) Asylum Support and Limbuela: An End (Finally) to Section 55? Journal of Immigration Asylum and Nationality Law, 18 (3). pp. 186-196.

PUTTICK, Keith (2004) Asylum-seekers, Reception Conditions, and EC Directive 2003/9. Welfare Benefits, 11 (3). pp. 14-23. ISSN 1353-1123

PUTTICK, Keith (2001) Care Homes, Retrospective Self-Funding and the National Assistance Act 1948: Eligibility for Attendance Allowance and DLA. Welfare Benefits, 8 (1). pp. 14-23.

PUTTICK, Keith (2007) Children's Needs and Assessments. Don't Forget the Carer! Welfare and Family Law & Practice, 14 (4). pp. 21-33.

PUTTICK, Keith (2007) Children's Needs and Assessments. Don't Forget the Carer! Welfare and Family: Law & Practice, 14 (4). pp. 21-33. ISSN 1751-8458

PUTTICK, Keith (2007) Cohabitee Disputes and the Determination of Shares after Stack v Dowden. Welfare and Family Law & Practice, 14 (2). pp. 30-35.

PUTTICK, Keith (2001) Community Care Services, Mental Health, and Rehousing Rights - the Limits of Judicial Review. Welfare Benefits, 8 (6). pp. 13-15. ISSN 1353-1123

PUTTICK, Keith (2002) Decisions, Revisions, and Supersessions: 'Appealability' in the ECHR Article 6 Era. Welfare Benefits, 9 (2). pp. 21-33. ISSN 1353-1123

PUTTICK, Keith (2000) Disability Living Allowance, Frequent Attention, and Mental and Behavioural Disorders. Welfare Benefits, 7 (4). pp. 23-27.

PUTTICK, Keith (2001) Disablement Benefits, Human Rights and the Assessment of Disablement and Loss of Faculty in Cases of Work-Related Psychological Injuries. Welfare Benefits, 8 (2). pp. 10-19. ISSN 1353-1123

PUTTICK, Keith (2011) Discrimination, ‘Integration’, and the Right to Reside after Patmalniece. The Adviser, 145. pp. 8-13. ISSN 0950-5458

PUTTICK, Keith (2005) The Duty to Report Changes: Overpayments, Hinchy, and the Lords Judgment. Welfare and Family Law & Practice, 12 (1). pp. 9-18.

PUTTICK, Keith (2006) Employment, Incapacity, and Exempt Work. Welfare and Family: Law and Practice, 14 (1). pp. 40-51.

PUTTICK, Keith (2007) Empowering the Incapacitated Worker? The Employment and Support Allowance and Pathways to Work. Industrial Law Journal, 36 (3). pp. 388-395. ISSN 0305-9332

PUTTICK, Keith (1999) Health, Social Services, and Inequalities: Modernising Welfare. Welfare Benefits, 6 (1). pp. 29-35.

PUTTICK, Keith (2009) Immigration and the Transformation of Europe. Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, 23 (3). pp. 309-314. ISSN 1746-7632

PUTTICK, Keith (2004) Income Support Mortgage Costs and the Cap: A Rational and ECHR-Compliant Scheme? Welfare Benefits, 11 (1). pp. 12-23. ISSN 1353-1123

PUTTICK, Keith (2004) Income Support Mortgage Costs and the Cap: A Rational and ECHR-Compliant Scheme? Welfare Benefits, 11 (1). pp. 12-23. ISSN 1353-1123

PUTTICK, Keith (2005) Legislating for Equality? Family Law Journal, 51. pp. 7-10.

PUTTICK, Keith (2000) Local Authorities' Discretion to Reduce Tenants' Eligible Rent: Running the Regulation 11 Gauntlet. Welfare Benefits, 7 (4). pp. 17-19.

PUTTICK, Keith (2006) Lone Parents and the Can Work Won't Work Culture. Welfare and Family: Law & Practice, 14 (1). pp. 24-32. ISSN 1751-8458

PUTTICK, Keith (2002) Maintenance at the CSA, Courts and Benefits Interface. Welfare Benefits, 9 (4). pp. 12-29.

PUTTICK, Keith (2003) New Generation Tax Credits. Family Law Journal, 26. pp. 15-18.

PUTTICK, Keith (2011) Paying their Way? Contesting ‘Residence’, Self-sufficiency and Economic Inactivity Barriers to EEA Nationals’ Social Benefits: Proportionality and Discrimination. Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, 25 (3). pp. 280-292. ISSN 1746-7632

PUTTICK, Keith (2011) Paying their Way? Contesting ‘Residence’, Self-sufficiency and Economic Inactivity Barriers to EEA Nationals’ Social Benefits: Proportionality and Discrimination. Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, 25 (3). pp. 280-292. ISSN 1746-7632

PUTTICK, Keith (2008) Precarious Welfare: Access to Benefits and Support by EEA Nationals Residing in the UK. The Adviser, 130. pp. 6-10.

PUTTICK, Keith (2009) Precarious Welfare: Family and Extended Family Members' ‘Right to Reside', Support, and Work. The Adviser, 131. pp. 9-16. ISSN 0950-5458

PUTTICK, Keith (2000) Psychological Illness and Stress at Work: Industrial Injuries Benefits after Faulds Citation: W.B. 2000, 7(4), 3-6. Welfare Benefits, 7 (4). pp. 3-6. ISSN 1353-1123

PUTTICK, Keith (2008) Recognition of Overseas Unilateral Divorce after K v K: The Implications for Divorced Spouses’ and Child Dependants’ Financial Support, State Welfare & Public Policy. Welfare and Family: Law & Practice, 15 (3). pp. 32-108. ISSN 1751-8458

PUTTICK, Keith (2009) Reconciling Migrants' Well-Being with the Public Interest: Welfare State, Firms & Citizenship in Transition. Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, 23 (4). pp. 393-396. ISSN 1746-7632

PUTTICK, Keith (2006) Reform of Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit. Welfare and Family: Law and Practice, 14 (1). pp. 36-39.

PUTTICK, Keith (2005) Same-Sex Couples, Discrimination and Civil Partnership Rights. Welfare and Family Law & Practice, 12 (2). pp. 16-23.

PUTTICK, Keith (2001) Simplified Child Support - Countdown Begins! Family Law Journal, 7. pp. 10-13.

PUTTICK, Keith (2001) Simplified Child Support and the Courts. Family Law Journal, 8. pp. 21-24.

PUTTICK, Keith (2007) Starting a Judicial Review to Contest a Welfare Decision. Welfare & Family Law & Practice, 14 (2). pp. 24-29.

PUTTICK, Keith (2005) Strangers at the Welfare Gate: Asylum Seekers, Welfare and Convention Rights after Adam. Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, 19 (4).

PUTTICK, Keith (2005) Strangers at the Welfare Gate: Asylum-Seekers' 'Welfare' and Convention Rights after Adam. Journal of Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Law, 19 (4). pp. 214-234. ISSN 1746-7632

PUTTICK, Keith (1986) Trading Fairly: Would a General Duty Help? Business Law Review, 7 (11). pp. 299-301. ISSN 01436295

PUTTICK, Keith (2006) Welcoming the New Arrivals? The Reception, Integration and Employment of A8, Bulgarian, and Romanian Migrants. Journal of Immigration Asylum and Nationality, 20 (4). pp. 238-254. ISSN 1746-7632

PUTTICK, Keith (2002) Welfare Appeals - It's Time to Implement Leggatt! Welfare Benefits, 9 (3). pp. 22-25. ISSN 1353-1123

PUTTICK, Keith (1998) Welfare as Wages: Benefits, Low Pay and the Flexible Labour Market. Industrial Law Journal, 27 (2). pp. 162-168.

PUTTICK, Keith (2006) The White Paper - A New System of Child Maintenance in 2007/8? Welfare and Family Law & Practice, 14 (1). pp. 33-35.

PUTTICK, Keith (2010) Winner Takes All? Minority Carers, ‘Splitting’ and Child Tax Credit after Humphreys. The Adviser, 140. pp. 12-15.

PUTTICK, Keith (2006) Working Tax Credit and Support for Working Parents' Childcare Costs from the Childcare Element. Welfare and Family: Law and Practice, 14 (1). pp. 52-61.

PUTTICK, Keith and MOLAN, Mike (2000) Benefits and the Criminal Law: Fraud and the New Parameters of Welfare Crime. Welfare Benefits, 7 (2). pp. 10-29. ISSN 1353-1123

PUTTICK, Keith and THOMAS, Martin (2008) The Local Authority Corporate Parent: Still Needing Parenting Classes? Welfare and Family: Law & Practice, 15 (2). pp. 27-42. ISSN 1751-8458

TAPP, David and JENKINSON, Susan (2013) Forced Marriage - Culture or Crime? Part 1. Criminal Law and Justice Weekly, Vol 17. pp. 5-8.

Book Chapter, Section or Conference Proceeding

(2010) Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care. In: PIERSON, John and Thomas, Martin, (eds.) Dictionary of Social Work and Social Care, 2nd Edn. Open University/McGraw Hill, Maidenhead and New York. ISBN 9780335238811

(2006) Social Security, Tax Credits and Child Support. In: Woelke, Andrea, (ed.) Civil Partnership: Law and Partnership. Law Society Publishers, London. ISBN 9781853289736

FOX, Helen (2014) Foundations for LPc. In: Foundations for the LPC. Offord University Press, Oxford, pp. 91-140. ISBN ISBN 978-19-871589-4

MCDONALD, Angus (2010) Eden/Shangri-la. In: Law and Evil: Philosophy, Politics, Psychoanalysis. Routledge Glass House, Abingdon, pp. 15-30. ISBN 978-0-415-49791-6

MCDONALD, Angus (2010) Power of Dream/Dream of Power. In: Mies Vaarasta Tiedekunnasta. Loki-Kirjat, Helsinki, pp. 97-109. ISBN 9789518250787

PUTTICK, Keith (2011) Enquiring Minds and the Role of Information Literacy in the Design, Management and Assessment of Student Research Tasks. In: Information Literacy: Infiltrating the Curriculum, Challenging Minds. Chandos Publishing (and Neal-Schuman Publishers, USA), Oxford. ISBN 9781843346104

PUTTICK, Keith (2013) Social Security and Community Care Law. In: Civil Appeals 2nd edition. Sweet and Maxwell, London. ISBN 9781908013217 (In Press)

PUTTICK, Keith (1995) Starting and Financing Small and Medium Size Companies. In: Companies in the 1990s: The Changing Legal Environment. Cavendish-Routledge, London. ISBN 1859412076

PUTTICK, Keith (2013) State Benefits and Tax Credits. In: Butterworths Family Law and Scottish Family Law Service (SFLS) (Loose-leaf Major Work). Lexis Nexis, London. ISBN 9780406998811

PUTTICK, Keith (2005) Towards a Just European Welfare System for Migrants? In: The Challenge of Asylum to Legal Systems. Routledge-Cavendish, London. ISBN 185941981X

PUTTICK, Keith and CARLITZ, Cordelia (2012) Inequalities of Family Members of EEA and Non-EEA Nationals: Integration and Barriers to Family Reunification in the Post-Lisbon Era. In: Integration of Third Country Nationals in the European Union: The Equality Challenge. Elgar, pp. 271-303. ISBN 9780857936813

Conference or Workshop Item

KING, Ian (2003) Data Sharing In Public Administration: The Balance Between Efficiency And Privacy. In: European Group of Public Administration – Conference on Public Law and the Modernising State, 3-6 September 2003, Oerias (Portugal). (Unpublished)

KING, Ian and EDWARDS, Catherine (2013) Adapting to the New Legal Services Market: Can Law Firms Avoid Becoming a Comet? In: British & Irish Legal Education & Technology Association Annual Conference 2013, 11-12 April 2013, University of Liverpool. (Unpublished)

KING, Ian and EDWARDS, Catherine (2013) Alternative Business Structures: A Brave New Legal Services World? In: Socio-Legal Studies Association Annual Conference 2013, 26-28 March 2013, University of York. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith (2010) Can She Stay, or Must She Go…? Spouses’ and Family Members’ Retained and ‘Derived’ Residence Rights after Ibrahim and Teixeira. In: Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, September 2010, Southampton University. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith (2012) Croatia’s Accession to the EU: European Social Solidarity and the Threat to Free Movement from Labour Market Protection and Integration Barriers. In: Integration or Disintegration? The Future of European Law & Policy, 24-29 July 2012, Birmingham Law School, Birmingham University. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith (2002) Disabled Workers and the Developing Rights Agenda. In: Disability, Welfare and Work - From Rhetoric to Rights?, 17th January 2002, Ashley Conference Centre, Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith (2005) The Employment Act 2002: Job Security v the Flexible Labour Market? In: Dignity at Work, 22nd March 2005, Ashley Conference Centre, Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith (2007) Employment Rights: Empowering the Disempowered? In: Empowerment, Work & Welfare, 22 November 2007, Ashley Conference Centre, Staffordshire UNiversity. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith (2010) Europe’s New Europeans: Family Migration, Reception & Integration after Lisbon. In: After Lisbon: The Future of European Law & Policy, Birmingham Law School, Birmingham University. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith (1999) Fairness at Work: A New Era in Employment Rights or a Missed Opportunity? In: Fairness at Work: The Changing World of Employment, 15th April 1999, Ashley Conference Centre, Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith (2010) The Impact of EU Law and Policy on Third Country Nationals and Families Residing and Working in EU Member States. In: In/Equality of Third Country Nationals: Implementation and Effects of EU Directives on Migration and Asylum, 28-30 June 2010, Oxford, Headington Hall.

PUTTICK, Keith (2015) Is it Time to Restore Wages Councils & Regulated Collective Bargaining? In: Annual Conference of the Socio-Legal Studies Association 2015, 1st-3rd April 2015, University of Warwick, Ramphal Building. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith (2009) Migration: Barriers to Support and Employment. In: Family Welfare and Work, Ashley Conference Centre, Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith (2013) Plugging the Gaps? Pregnancy, 'Worker' Status, and EU Migrants' Social Rights since St Prix. In: Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference: 'Tis 40 Years Since: Britain and Ireland in Europe, Europe in Britain and Ireland', 6 September 2013, Edinburgh University. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith (2013) Plugging the Gaps? Pregnancy, Worker Status, and EU Migrants' Social Rights since St Prix. In: Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference 2013: 'Tis 40 Years Since: Britain and Ireland in Europe, Europe in Britain and Ireland ', 2-6 September 2013, Edinburgh University, Scotland. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith (2013) Reappraising the NMW. Still Fit for Purpose? In: Annual Conference of the Socio-Legal Studies Association, 26th March 2013, York University. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith (2009) Reinventing the Family? The Family and Extended Family Members' ‘Right to Reside'. In: The Family and the ‘Right to Reside', 7th May 2009, Oxford University, ESRC Centre on Migration Policy and Society (COMPAS). (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith (2014) States’ Social Security and Support for the Wage-Work Bargain: Reconstructing Europe’s Floor of Social Protection. In: International Society of Labour Law & Social Security (ISLSSL) XI European Regional Congress 2014, 17-19 September 2014, O'Reilly Hall, University College Dublin, Republic of Ireland. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith (2004) Towards a Just European Welfare System for Migrants? In: WG Hart 'The Challenge of Migration to Legal Systems', 30 June-1 July 2004, Institute of Advance Legal Studies, London University, London.

PUTTICK, Keith and CUMINO, Carole (2009) Child Protection, Workless Households, and Child Poverty. In: Children’s Protection & Child Poverty, October, Child Protection and Child Poverty in the West Midlands. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith, HAMMOND-SHARLOT, Rhonda and SPENCE, Janet (2009) Enquiring Minds: The ‘Project’ & Strategies for Promoting (Better) Research, Autonomy & Deployment of Skills at Level 3. In: Learning in Law Annual Conference (LILAC) 2009 ‘Concepts of Culture in Legal Education', 20 January 2009, University of Warwick. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith, HARRISON, Christine, TILLSON, Judith and POPE, Alison (2015) An Evaluation of the Use of On-Line Systems in the Development of IT-Enabled Student Research & Research-Related Skills. In: 50 Years of Legal Education: Annual Conference of the Association of Law Teachers (50th Anniversary), 29-31 March 2015, Cardiff, St Davids Convention Centre. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith and POPE, Alison (2010) Enquiring Minds: Infiltrating the Curriculum and Challenging the Assessment Agenda. In: Research Informed Teaching, National Conference, Staffordshire University, July 2010, Ashley Conference Centre, Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)

PUTTICK, Keith, TILLSON, Judith and HARRISON, Christine (2013) Research Informed Teaching: An Evaluation of the Use of Author-Lecturers’ Publications and their Publishers’ Web-Based Materials as a Teaching and Learning Resource. In: Annual Conference of the Association of Law Teachers, 25th March 2013, Nottingham Trent University. (Unpublished)

TAPP, David and JENKINSON, Susan (2013) Forced Marriage and Students: a Staffordshire University and Karma Nirvana Collaboration. In: Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference 2013, 2-6th September 2013, Edinburgh University, Scotland. (Unpublished)

TILLSON, Judith, PUTTICK, Keith, WILDING, Philippa and HARRISON, Christine (2013) Research Informed Teaching and Enquiry Based Learning: From Theory into Practice. In: Faculty of Business, Education and Law Research Colloquium 2013, 30th January 2013, Brindley Building, Staffordshire University. (Submitted)

Book / Proceeding

PAINTER, Richard and PUTTICK, Keith (2006) Employment Rights. Pluto Press, London, pp. 1-561. ISBN 0745321240

PUTTICK, Keith (1988) Challenging Delegated Legislation. Waterlow Practitioners Library (Pergamon) (1988), London. ISBN 0080330711

PUTTICK, Keith (2003) Child Support Law: Parents, the CSA and the Courts. EMIS Professional Publishing, Welywn Garden City. ISBN 1 85811 293 1

PUTTICK, Keith (2013) The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984. Annotated Legislation Service (ALS), Halsbury's Statutes . Butterworths Law Publishers (Lexis-Nexis), London.

PUTTICK, Keith (1989) Wages and the Law. Shaw and Sons, London. ISBN 0712911102

PUTTICK, Keith (2006) Welfare Benefits and Tax Credits: Law and Practice. XPL, 9th edn. ISBN 1 85811 376 8


PUTTICK, Keith (2012) Welcoming the New Arrivals? A Critical Analysis of the Impact of 'Europe' on the UK's Welfare Support Regime for Migrants and their Family Members. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

PUTTICK, Keith (2011) Welcoming the New Arrivals? A Critical Analysis of the Impact of ‘Europe’ on the UK’s Welfare Support Regime for Migrants and their Family Members. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.


Morano-Foadi, Sonia, Velluti, Samantha, Teclehaimanot, Macca and PUTTICK, Keith (2013) Migration and the Law: A Report on the UK Experience for the International Academy of Comparative Law. International Academy of Comparative Law, Paris. (Submitted)

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