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AL-SHEMMERI, Tarik (2011) Energy Audits: A Workbook for Energy Management in Buildings. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 0470656085

AL-SHEMMERI, Tarik (2012) Engineering Fluid Mechanics. Ventus Publishing, Holland. ISBN 978-87-403-0114-4

AL-SHEMMERI, Tarik (2010) Engineering Thermodynamics. Ventus Publishing / BookBoon. ISBN 978-87-7681-670-4

AL-SHEMMERI, Tarik (2009) Instrumentation and Measurements: Basic Principles Worked Examples and Tutorial Problems Laboratory Exercices. VDM Verlag. ISBN ISBN-10: 3639206428

AL-SHEMMERI, Tarik (2010) Wind Turbines. Ventus Publishing / Bookboon. ISBN 978-87-7681-692-6

AL-SHEMMERI, Tarik and OBERWEIS, Sacha (2011) Correlation of NOx Emissions with Flame Temperature in Biodiesel Combustion. Applied Thermal Engineering, 31 (10). pp. 1682-1688. ISSN 1359-4311

AL-SHEMMERI, Tarik and Oberweis, S. (2011) Correlation of the NOx emission and exhaust gas temperature for biodiesel. Applied Thermal Engineering, 31 (10). 1682- 1688. ISSN 1359-4311

AMJAD, Anas, GRIFFITHS, Alison and PATWARY, Mohammad (2012) Multiple face detection algorithm using colour skin modelling. IET Image Processing, 6 (6). pp. 1093-1101. ISSN 1751-9659

4770708 (ATKINS, Anthony, Hughes, David and Singh, Raghu N) (1988) Methods of Disposal of Mining Tailings. 06/923,201.

Abdel-Aleem, Mostafa El-Sayed Mohamed, Chibelushi, C.C. and Moniri, Mansour (2011) Multisensor data fusion for the simultaneous location and condition assessment of underground water pipelines. In: IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 11-13 April 2011, Delft, Netherlands.

Aggogeri, Francesco, Mazzola, Marco and O'KANE, James (2009) Implementing DFSS to increase the performance level of an extrusion process. International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, 5 (1). p. 10. ISSN 1479-2494

Ahmed, K, PATWARY, Mohammad and ABDEL-MAGUID, Mohamed (2011) Compressive parametric GLRT detector for airborne MIMO radar. In: Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP), 2011 International Conference on, 9-11 Noivember 2011.

Ahmed, K.I., PATWARY, Mohammad and Khan, N.M. (2012) Superimposed training-based compressed sensing of sparse multipath channels. Communications, IET, 6 (18). pp. 3150-3156. ISSN 1751-8628

Ahmed, K.I., Tepedelenlioglu, C, PATWARY, Mohammad and YU, Hongnian (2011) Error probability-based optimal training for linearly decoded orthogonal space-time block coded wireless systems. Communications, IET, 5 (11). pp. 1512-1529. ISSN 1751-8628

Ashford, Robert Leslie, Shamshiri, Navid, CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan, White, Peter and BRANTHWAITE, Helen (2009) A pilot study on the aerodynamics of a middle/long distance running shoe: Implications for variation in swing patterns during the running gait cycle. Footwear Science, 1 (sup1). pp. 20-23.

Ashford, Robert Leslie, White, Peter, Neal-Sturgess, Clive and CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan (2011) An investigation into the aerodynamics of four middle/long distance running shoes. Footwear Science, 3 (sup1). S4-S6.


BADAWI, Waleed, Chibelushi, C.C., PATWARY, Mohammad and MONIRI, Mansour (2012) Specular-based illumination estimation using blind signal separation techniques. IET Image Processing, 6 (8). pp. 1181-1191. ISSN 1751-9659

BENKHELIFA, Elhadj, ABDEL-MAGUID, Mohamed, Heatley, David and EWENIKE, Stanley (2014) The Internet of Things: The eco-system for sustainable growth. In: IEEE/ACS 11th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), 2014, 10-13 Nov 2014, Doha, Qatar.

BENKHELIFA, Elhadj, Al-Ayyoub, Mahmoud, Jararweh, Yaser, Tawalbeh, Loai and Basalamah, Anas (2015) Mahmoud Al-Ayyoub, Yaser Jararweh, Lo'Ai Tawalbeh, Elhadj Benkhelifa and Anas Basalamah. In: IEEE 9th International Symposium on Performance Modelling and Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunication Networks (PMECT-2015), 24-26 Aug 2015, Rome, Italy. (In Press)

BENKHELIFA, Elhadj, Farnsworth, Michael, Tiwari, Ashutosh, Bandi, Gergely and Zhu, Meiling (2010) Design and optimisation of microelectromechanical systems: a review of the state-of-the-art. International Journal of Design Engineering, 3 (1). pp. 41-76. ISSN 1751-5874

BENKHELIFA, Elhadj, Jararweh, Yaser, Al-Ayyoub, Mahmoud, Darabseh, Ala', Vouk, Mladen and Rindos, Andy (2015) SDIoT: A Software Defined based Internet of Things framework. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing. ISSN 18685137, 18685145

BENKHELIFA, Elhadj, Tiwari, Ashutosh and ABDEL-MAGUID, Mohamed (2014) Advanced Design Optimisation by Means of Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithms: The Case of Two Real World Applications. Key Engineering Materials, 572. pp. 589-592. ISSN 10139826

BENKHELIFA, Elhadj, WELSH, Thomas, Tawalbeh,, Loai, Jararweh,, Yaser and Basalamah, Anas (2015) User Profiling for Energy Optimisation in Mobile Cloud Computing. Procedia Computer Science, 52. pp. 1159-1165. ISSN 1877-0509

BRANTHWAITE, Helen, CHATZISTERGOS, Panagiotis and CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan (2013) The relationship between stiffness and comfort in casual ballet pump shoes - a pilot study. Footwear Science, 5 (sup1). S23-S24.

BRANTHWAITE, Helen and CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan (2009) What influences someone when purchasing new trainers? Footwear Science, 1 (2). pp. 71-72.

BRANTHWAITE, Helen, DAVIES, Nina and CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan (2013) Where should a school shoe provide flexibility and support for the asymptomatic 6-10 year old and on what information is this based? A Delphi yielded consensus. Footwear Science, 5 (sup1). S24-S25.

BURROWS, Brian and COHEN, M (2009) Exact Solutions for Confined Model Systems Using Kummer Functions. Advances in Quantum Chemistry, 57 (n/a). pp. 173-201. ISSN 00653276

BURROWS, Brian and COHEN, M (2009) Response to ‘Comment on Exact solutions for shell-confined hydrogen-like atoms: polarisabilities and Shannon entropies’. Molecular Physics, 107 (21). pp. 2323-2324. ISSN 0026-8976

BURROWS, Brian and Cohen, M (2009) Exact Solutions for Confined Model Systems Using Kummer Functions. In: Advances in Quantum Chemistry: Theory of confined quantum systems Part 1. Elsevier / Academic Press, Oxford, pp. 173-201.

BURROWS, Brian, DALGARNO, A and COHEN, M (2012) Asymptotic exchange energies for H2. Physical Review A (PRA), 86 (5). 052525. ISSN 1050-2947

BURROWS, Brian, DALGARNO, A and COHEN, M (2010) Calculation of exchange energies using algebraic perturbation theory. Physical Review A (PRA), 81 (4). 042508. ISSN 1050-2947

Burgess-Walker, Philip, HEALY, Aoife, CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan and BARTOLD, Simon (2011) Study to characterise the biomechanical variability in different styles of initial foot contact during running. Footwear Science, 3 (sup1). S20-S21.


CHAMMAA, RH, THOMAS, Peter BM and KHALIL, A (2010) Single retrograde intramedullary wire fixation of metacarpal shaft fractures. Acta Orthopaedica Belgica, 76. pp. 751-757. ISSN 0001-6462

CHAMUND, D and SHAMMAS, Noel (2008) Dimensioning of Power semiconductor devices in their unnatural environment. In: EHAC'08 Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Electronics, Hardware, Wireless and Optical Communications, 20-22 Febraury 2008, Cambridge UK.

CHATZISTERGOS, Panagiotis, Magnissalis, Evangelos and Kourkoulis, Stavros (2010) A parametric study of cylindrical pedicle screw design implications on the pullout performance using an experimentally validated finite element model. Medical Engineering & Physics, 32 (2). pp. 145-154. ISSN 1350-4533

Chamund, Dinesh and SHAMMAS, Noel (2008) Dimensioning of power semiconductor devices in their unnatural environment. In: Proceedings of the 7th WSEAS International Conference on Electronics, Hardware, Wireless and Optical Communications, Cambridge, UK.

Chamund, Dinesh, SHAMMAS, Noel and Taylor, Paul (2009) Modelling of power semiconductor devices for pulse power applications. In: Universities Power Engineering Conference (UPEC), 2009 Proceedings of the 44th International.

Chowdury, SA, Mourshed, M, Kabir, SMR, Islam, M, Morshed, T, Khan, MR and PATWARY, Mohammad (2010) Technical appraisal of solar home systems in Bangladesh: A field investigation. Renewable Energy, 36 (2). pp. 772-778. ISSN 0960-1481


DAVIS, Colin (2010) How to interact with Universities and the HE Knowledge base to your company's advantage. In: MEDTEC 2010. (Unpublished)

DAVIS, Colin, Hogarth, T, Boswell, D and Price, S (2010) Strategic Skills Needs in the Bio-medical Sector: A report for the National Strategic Skills Audit for England 2010. Technical Report. HMSO.

DAVIS, Colin, Hogarth, T and Gambin, L (2012) Sector Skills Insights: Advanced Manufacturing: Evidence Report 48. Technical Report. HMSO.

DAVIS, Colin, Hogarth, T and Gambin, L (2012) Sector Skills Insights: Manufacturing. Technical Report. UK commission for employment and skills, Evidence Report 48.

DAVIS, Colin and et al., . (2010) A report for the National Strategic Skills Audit for England 2010: Volume 1: Key Findings. Technical Report. HMSO.

DAVIS, Colin and et alia, . (2010) Skills for Jobs: Today and Tomorrow Volume 2:The Evidence Report. Technical Report. HMSO.

DAVIS, Colin and et alia, . (2011) Working for a Green Britain Employment and Skills in the UK Wind & Marine Industries February 2011. Technical Report. Renewable UK.

DAYARATNE, Upendra, TENNAKOON, Sarath, KNIGHT, J.S. and SHAMMAS, Noel (2011) Minimum DC link Voltages for the Generator Bridge Converter of a SCIG Based Variable Speed Wind Turbine with Fully Rated Converters. In: International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ 11), 13th to 15th April, 2011, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain).

DUNNING, David, HEALY, Aoife and CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan (2011) Unconventional shoes for diabetes � a quantitative examination. Footwear Science, 3 (sup1). S47-S49.


EL-HELW, Amr, MONIRI, Mansour and Chibelushi, C.C. (2007) Error-resilient pattern classification using a combination of spreading and coding gains. IET Image Processing, 1 (3). pp. 278-286. ISSN 17519659

EL-HELW, Amr, MONIRI, Mansour and Chibelushi, C.C. (2006) Multi-class pattern learning using spread spectrum codes. Electronics Letters, 42 (16). pp. 908-909. ISSN 00135194

EL-HELW, H M and TENNAKOON, Sarath (2008) Evaluation of the suitability of a fixed speed wind turbine for large scale wind farms considering the new UK grid code. Renewable Energy, 33 (1). pp. 1-12. ISSN 0960 1481

ENNIS, OW, MAHMOOD, A, MAHESHWARI, R, THOMAS, Peter BM and MOORCROFT, Christopher (2008) Prospective study of closed tibial diaphyseal fractures treated by monolateral external fixation. Injury Extra, 39 (5). pp. 204-205. ISSN 1572-3461

Eio, S and SHAMMAS, Noel (2008) IGBT Tail Current Reduction by Current Injection Technique. In: Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2008. UPEC 2008. 43rd International.

Eio, S. and SHAMMAS, Noel (2008) IGBT tail current reduction by current injection technique. In: Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2008. UPEC 2008. 43rd International, 1-4 Sept. 2008, Padova.


Farnsworth, Michael, BENKHELIFA, Elhadj, Tiwari, Ashutosh and Zhu, Meiling (2010) A Novel Approach to Multi-level Evolutionary Design Optimization of a MEMS Device. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6274. pp. 322-334. ISSN 0302-9743


GOULD, Christopher and SHAMMAS, Noel (2008) Commentary: Thermoelectric and solar-energy materials. Journal of Nanophotonics, 2 (1). 020303-020303. ISSN 1934-2608

GOULD, Christopher and SHAMMAS, Noel (2012) Three Dimensional TCAD Simulation of a Thermoelectric Module Suitable for use in a Thermoelectric Energy Harvesting System. In: Small-scale energy harvesting. Typesetting InTech Prepress, Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia, pp. 29-42. ISBN 978-953-51-0826-9

GOULD, Christopher, SHAMMAS, Noel, GRAINGER, Stephen and TAYLOR, Ian (2011) A Novel 3D TCAD Simulation of a Thermoelectric Couple configured for Thermoelectric Power Generation. In: unspecified unspecified.

GOULD, Christopher, SHAMMAS, Noel, GRAINGER, Stephen and TAYLOR, Ian (2011) Thermoelectric power generation: Properties, application and novel TCAD simulation. In: Power Electronics and Applications (EPE 2011), Proceedings of the 2011-14th European Conference on, 30 Aug 2011-1 Sep 2011, Birmingham.

GOULD, Christopher, SHAMMAS, Noel, GRAINGER, Stephen and TAYLOR, Ian (2008) Thermoelectric technology: micro-electrical and power generation properties. In: Universities Power Engineering Conference, 2008. UPEC 2008. 43rd International, 1-4, Padova.

GOULD, Christopher, SHAMMAS, Noel, GRAINGER, Stephen and TAYLOR, Ian (2008) A comprehensive review of thermoelectric technology, micro-electrical and power generation properties. In: Microelectronics, 2008. MIEL 2008. 26th International Conference on, 11-14 May 2008, Nis.

GOULD, Christopher, SHAMMAS, Noel, GRAINGER, Steven and TAYLOR, Ian (2011) Thermoelectric cooling of microelectronic circuits and waste heat electrical power generation in a desktop personal computer. Materials Science and Engineering B, 176 (4). pp. 316-325. ISSN 0921-5107

Gatt, Alfred, CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan and Falzon, Owen (2013) Sagittal Plane Kinematics of Passive Dorsiflexion of the Foot in Adolescent Athletes. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 103 (5). pp. 394-399.

Greenhalgh, Andrew, Sinclair, Jonathan, Leat, Andrew and CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan (2012) Influence of footwear choice, velocity and surfaces on tibial accelerations experienced by field hockey participants during running. Footwear Science, 4 (3). pp. 213-219.

Greenhalgh, Andrew, Sinclair, Jonathan, Leat, Andrew and CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan (2011) Influence of footwear typically worn during field hockey participation, velocity and surfaces on tibial accelerations during locomotion. Footwear Science, 3 (sup1). S61-S62.


HEALY, Aoife, CHATZISTERGOS, Panagiotis, NEEDHAM, Robert, NAEMI, Roozbeh and CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan (2013) Comparison of design features in diabetic footwear and their effect on plantar pressure. Footwear Science, 5 (sup1). S67-S69.

HEALY, Aoife, DUNNING, David and CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan (2011) Effect of insole material on plantar pressure. Footwear Science, 3 (sup1). S69-S70.

HEALY, Aoife, DUNNING, David and CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan (2010) Materials used for footwear orthoses: a review. Footwear Science, 2 (2). pp. 93-110.

HOCKING, Matthew (2014) DEMAP – Developing Enterprise Markets And Products. InImpact. ISSN 2051-6002 (Submitted)

HOCKING, Matthew (2013) Distilling Intellectual Property from Higher Education - Why and How. Working Paper. Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)

HOCKING, Matthew (2014) A review of enterprise in universities and maximizing its successful integration. Working Paper. Staffordshire University. (Unpublished)

HOOPER, Peter, AL-SHEMMERI, Tarik and GOODWIN, Michael (2011) Advanced modern low-emission two-stroke cycle engines. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 225 (11). pp. 1531-1543. ISSN 0954-4070

HOOPER, Peter, AL-SHEMMERI, Tarik and GOODWIN, Michael (2012) An experimental and analytical investigation of a multi-fuel stepped piston engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 48 (n/a). pp. 32-40. ISSN 1359-4311

HUDA, Md nazmul, YU, Hongnian and GOODWIN, Mike (2012) Experimental study of a capsubot for two dimensional movements. In: 2012 UKACC International Conference on Control (CONTROL). IEEE, IEEE, pp. 108-113. ISBN 978-1-4673-1559-3

Hazell, Lynne and CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan (2009) A preliminary study into the effect of running shoes on stride length. Footwear Science, 1 (sup1). pp. 41-42.

Hewitt, L., Wilgress, S., Jennings, E., CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan and Pandyan, A. (2009) The effect of heel height on static and dynamic balance. Footwear Science, 1 (sup1). pp. 39-41.

Hogarth, T, DAVIS, Colin and Behle, H (2011) Working for a Green Britain. Technical Report. RenwableUK, Employment and Skills in the UK Wind and Marine Industries.


KALOVREKTIS, K, GANETSOS, T H, SHAMMAS, Noel, TAYLOR, Ian, LYKAS, CH, ANDONOPOULOS, I and LEKAKIS, I (2011) Development of an advanced embedded system for description of electrophysiological phenomena in ornamental plants by biosignals processing. WSEAS TRANSACTIONS on CIRCUITS and SYSTEMS, 10 (6). pp. 198-208. ISSN 1109-2734

KALOVREKTIS, KONSTANTINOS, GANETSOS, THEODORE, SHAMMAS, Noel, TAYLOR, Ian and ANDONOPOULOS, John (2010) Development of a novel system to analyse and detect small changes in ECG signals that indicate cardiac disorders. In: CISST'10 Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS international conference on Circuits, systems, signal and telecommunications, 27-29 January 2010, Harvard University, USA.

Kalovrektis, Konstantinos, Ganetsos, Theodore, SHAMMAS, Noel, TAYLOR, Ian and ANDONOPOULOS, John (2009) Development of a novel system to analyse and detect small changes in ECG signals that indicate cardiac disorders. In: Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS international conference on Circuits, systems, signal and telecommunications, Cambridge, USA.

Kalovrektis, Konstantinos, Ganetsos, Theodore, SHAMMAS, Noel, TAYLOR, Ian, ANDONOPOULOS, John and Christos, Lykas (2010) An integrated development hardware design for an advanced wireless Ag/AgCl sensor to acquiring biosignals form ornamental plants. In: Proceedings of the 4th WSEAS international conference on Circuits, systems, signal and telecommunications, Cambridge, USA.

Kalovrektis, Konstantinos, Ganetsos, Theodore, SHAMMAS, Noel, Taylor, Ian and ANDONOPOULOS, John (2011) Development of a computerized ECG analysis model using the cubic spline interpolation method. In: CSS'11 Proceedings of the 5th WSEAS international conference on Circuits, systems and signals, 14-16 July 2011, Corfu Island, Greece.

Khan, N.M., PATWARY, Mohammad and MONIRI, Mansour (2011) Effect of Directional Antenna on the Doppler Spectrum in 3-D Mobile Radio Propagation Environment. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 60 (7). pp. 2895-2903. ISSN 0018-9545


MAHMOOD, A, ENNIS, OW, HUSSEIN, N, THOMAS, Peter BM and OGRODNIK, Peter (2008) Closed tibial fractures in footballers treated with mono-lateral external fixation: A prospective study of 92 cases. Injury Extra, 39 (5). pp. 180-181. ISSN 1572-3461

Intelligent Orthopaedics Ltd (MOORCROFT, Christopher, OGRODNIK, Peter and THOMAS, Peter B) (2010) Wire Retainer for Surgical Device. GB2428454 B.

Intelligent Orthopaedics Ltd (MOORCROFT, Christopher, OGRODNIK, Peter and THOMAS, Peter BM) (2010) FIXATOR. GB 2427141 B.



NAEMI, Roozbeh, Gerth, Peter, Deeney, Philip, HEALY, Aoife, CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan and Schulz, Juliane (2013) The effect of temperature on the rebound characteristics of material combinations commonly used in diabetic insoles. Footwear Science, 5 (sup1). S91-S93.

NAEMI, Roozbeh, HEALY, Aoife, Dunning, Dave, Ashford, Robert Leslie, CHATZISTERGOS, Panagiotis and CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan (2013) Peak and average pressure correlations and their ratio at different plantar regions of the foot. Footwear Science, 5 (sup1). S96-S98.

NAWAZ, S.J, PATWARY, Mohammad and ABDEL-MAGUID, Mohamed (2010) Optimized algorithm for cellular network planning based on terrain and demand analysis. In: 2010 2nd International Conference on Computer Technology and Development (ICCTD 2010), 2-4 Nov 2010.

NIKOLAJSEN, Jorgen (2013) Fractional Significant Digits. Methods and Algorithms for Scientific Computing, 35 (2). A561-A576. ISSN 1064-8275

Naemi, Roozbeh, Alonso, Ana Pilar, CHOCKALINGAM, Nachiappan and Larose Chevalier, Thierry (2009) Effects of walkway inclusion in pressure platform assessment. Footwear Science, 1 (sup1). pp. 23-24.

Nawaz, S.J, PATWARY, Mohammad and ABDEL-MAGUID, Mohamed (2010) Dynamic radio resource allocation and optimization for OFDMA cellular networks. In: Computer Technology and Development (ICCTD), 2010 2nd International Conference on, 2-4 Nov 2010.


OBERWEIS, Sacha (2013) Current advances in the production, collection and utilisation of solid biomass for energy purposes. In: Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 16/05/2013, Stoke-on-Trent. (Unpublished)

OBERWEIS, Sacha (2011) Development of a small scale CHP biomass system for the Luxembourgish market. Doctoral thesis, Staffordshire University.

OBERWEIS, Sacha (2013) Pilots in ARBOR - Short rotation coppice. In: Stoke City Council Biomass event, Stoke-on-Trent.

OBERWEIS, Sacha (2010) The Potential of Electricity, Heat and Refrigeration from Biomass in Luxembourg. In: Biomass Symposium.

OBERWEIS, Sacha and AL-SHEMMERI, Tarik (2009) Design of a 20kW Biomass Heat Generator: CFD Modelling and Dissociation. VDM, Saarbruecken (Germany). ISBN 978-3-639-15922-6

OBERWEIS, Sacha and AL-SHEMMERI, Tarik (2010) Effect of Biodiesel blending on emissions and efficiency in a stationary diesel engine. European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality.

OBERWEIS, Sacha and AL-SHEMMERI, Tarik (2012) Emissions and performance from a biomass boiler for different solid biomass. Int. J. Renewable Energy Technology, 3 (4). pp. 323-340. ISSN 1757-3971

OBERWEIS, Sacha and AL-SHEMMERI, Tarik (2011) Emissions and performance of a stationary diesel engine run on biodiesel blends. International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology, 4 (4). pp. 375-386. ISSN 1753-3309

OBERWEIS, Sacha and AL-SHEMMERI, Tarik (2011) Gamma-Stirling engine – The effect of different working gases and pressures. European Association for the Development of Renewable Energies, Environment and Power Quality.

OBERWEIS, Sacha and AL-SHEMMERI, Tarik (2012) Performance Evaluation of a Lithium-Chloride Absorption Refrigeration and an Assessment of its Suitability for Biomass Waste Heat. Applied Sciences, 2 (4). pp. 709-725. ISSN 2076-3417

OBERWEIS, Sacha and AL-SHEMMERI, Tarik (2012) Performance Evaluation of a Lithium-Chloride Absorption Refrigeration and an Assessment of its Suitability for Biomass Waste Heat. Applied Sciences, 2 (4). pp. 709-725. ISSN 2076-3417

OBERWEIS, Sacha and AL-SHEMMERI, Tarik (2011) Performance and Emissions Evaluation of Absorption Refrigeration Cooling from Biomass Waste Heat. In: CIBSE Technical Symposium 2011, September 6-7 2011, DeMontfort University, Leicester, UK.

OBERWEIS, Sacha and Dhooge, Willem (2013) Improving sustainable biomass utilisation in North West Europe. The Parliament Magazine, 371. p. 40.

OBERWEIS, Sacha, Dhooge, Willem, Koster, Daniel, Weiler, Katja and Ghekiere, Greet (2011) ARBOR – INTERREG IVB initiative. In: Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, 8-10 June 2011, Bruges (Belgium).

OBERWEIS, Sacha and Spriet, Thomas (2013) Green growth and jobs. In: 11th European Week of Regions Cities, 7-10/10/2013, Brussels.

OGRODNIK, Peter (2013) Care Show Birmingham - How can technology help improve dementia care? In: Care Show 2013 - Birmingham, November 2013, NEC Birmingham.

OGRODNIK, Peter (2012) Medical Device Design, Innovation from concept to market. Academic Press / Elsevier. ISBN 9780123919427

OGRODNIK, Peter (2009) Medical Devices Design. In: Innovation Forum, MEDTEC 2009. (Submitted)

OGRODNIK, Peter (2013) Which way forward for Healthcare? Engineering Designer. pp. 30-32.

OGRODNIK, Peter and DAVIS, Colin (2009) Medical Interchange at MEDTEC 2009. [Show/Exhibition]

OGRODNIK, Peter and DAVIS, Colin (2010) Medical Interchange at MEDTEC 2010. [Show/Exhibition]

OGRODNIK, Peter, DAVIS, Colin and MOORCROFT, Christopher (2009) Medical Interchange at MEDICA 2009. [Show/Exhibition]

OGRODNIK, Peter, GOODWIN, Michael, BANCROFT, Gordon and XU, Wubin (2009) The Stability Analysis of Hydrodynamic Journal Bearings Allowing for Manufacturing Tolerances. Part II: Stability Analysis Model with Consideration of Tolerances. In: Proceedings of the 2009 International Conference on Measuring Technology and Mechatronics Automation. IEEE, pp. 168-171. ISBN 978-0-7695-3583-8 (In Press)


OGRODNIK, Peter, MOORCROFT, Christopher and WARDLE, Peter (2013) The effects of laser marking and symbol etching on the fatigue life of medical devices. Journal of Medical Engineering, 2013 (570354). pp. 1-6. ISSN 2314-5129

OGRODNIK, Peter and THOMAS, Peter (2011) IOS - Surgical Technique. Technical Report. Intelligent Orthopaedics Ltd.

Intelligent Orthopaedics Ltd / P J Ogrodnik / P B M Thomas (OGRODNIK, Peter and THOMAS, Peter) (2013) SURGICAL TARGETING GUIDE. PCT/GB2012/051735.

OGRODNIK, Peter, THOMAS, Peter, MOORCROFT, Christopher and MOHAMMED, Khaja (2013) A multi-directional fracture stiffness model to determine the principal stiffness properties of a healing human tibia. Journal Of Engineering In Medicine - Part H, 227 (10). pp. 1125-1134. ISSN 09544119

OGRODNIK, Peter, XU, Wubin, GOODWIN, Michael and BANCROFT, Gordon (2012) Effect Analysis of Journal Out-of-roundness on Dynamic Performances of Rotor Bearing System. In: Rotor Dynamics: 8th IFTOMM International Conference 2010. Curran Associates, USA. ISBN 9781618393470

OGRODNIK, Peter, XU, Wubin, GOODWIN, Michael and BANCROFT, Gordon (2011) The effects of dimensional manufacturing tolerances on stability of a symmetric hydrodynamic journal bearing rotor system – an experimental investigation. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 225 (12). pp. 1152-1158. ISSN 1350-6501

OGRODNIK, Peter, XU, Wubin, GOODWIN, Michael and BANCROFT, Gordon (2011) A theoretical investigation of the use of 2k factorial analysis to determine the effects of dimensional manufacturing tolerances on the stability of hydrodynamic journal bearing systems. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of Engineering Tribology, 225 (8). pp. 731-739. ISSN 1350-6501

OKLOBIA, Ochai and SADAT-SHAFAI, Torfeh (2013) A quantitative study of the formation of PCBM clusters upon thermal annealing of P3HT/PCBM bulk heterojunction solar cell. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 117 (n/a). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0927-0248

OKLOBIA, Ochai and SADAT-SHAFAI, Torfeh (2013) A quantitative study of the formation of PCBM clusters upon thermal annealing of P3HT/PCBM bulk heterojunction solar cell. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 117 (n/a). pp. 1-8. ISSN 0927-0248

OKLOBIA, Ochai and SADAT-SHAFAI, Torfeh (2013) A study of donor/acceptor interfaces in a blend of P3HT/PCBM solar cell: Effects of annealing and PCBM loading on optical and electrical properties. Solid-State Electronics, 87 (n/a). pp. 64-68. ISSN 0038-1101

OKLOBIA, Ochai and SADAT-SHAFAI, Torfeh (2013) A study of donor/acceptor interfaces in a blend of P3HT/PCBM solar cell: Effects of annealing and PCBM loading on optical and electrical properties. Solid-State Electronics, 87 (n/a). pp. 64-68. ISSN 0038-1101


PATWARY, Mohammad and HONGNIAN, Yu (2010) Performance enhancement of space time block coded MIMO systems using training design. In: 6th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 18-20 Dec 2010, Bangladesh.

PATWARY, Mohammad, KHAN, N.M. and YU, Hongnian (2010) 3-D Gaussian Scatter Density Propagation Model Employing a Directional Antenna at BS. In: Advanced satellite multimedia systems conference (asma) and the 11th signal processing for space communications workshop (spsc), 2010 5th, 13-15 Sept 2010.

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